Full Sail Session Black Lager
Full Sail Brewing out of Hood River, Oregon is one employee owned brewery I highly respect but I don’t always get the opportunity to sample their wares. So when I heard they were producing a darker successor to their very sessionable Session Lager I was optimistic they would distribute it to our market. As luck has it The Four Firkins started stocking it a week or two ago and I had to grab myself a bottle to sample. This brew pours with a solid three plus fingers of light brown head when poured straight down the glass. Though there is plenty of carbonation present in this petite 110z grenade of a bottle the head is relatively loose and lasts only a couple of minutes. Color appears very black though incredibly translucent red hues are visible when brought to light. Aroma is of lightly roasty dark malts that contain some nice gentle caramel notes and a little bit of alcohol. Flavor is of slightly sweet dark malts with just a little bit of roastyness and finishes with a flat note I find in most lagers. The body of this beer is light and the mouthfeel is very plain and almost watery as I find many American Lagers. Very similar to their original Session Lager but with dark malts which I find a bit more intriguing and flavorful. Not my favorite style of beer but certainly a solid session brew and one that I could enjoy all day with a 5.4% ABV. If you are into lagers but prefer dark malts this might just be the beer for you. Give it a shot and ride your bike.
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