Crispin Honey Crisp
So after a little delay Crispin’s Honey Crisp is on shelves now. I found my bottle at The Four Firkins when I was there on Tuesday to enjoy some tasty beer from our local Brau Brothers and got the chance to chat a bit with one of their brewers Dustin Brau. I had never consumed their Strawberry Wheat and was very impressed with the delicious real strawberry flavors and simple grain bill to compliment and balance the brew. But onto the topic of today. Honey Crisp is the newest beverage in the Crispin lineup and is fermented with organic honey produced nearby the cidery in California. Pours a hazy opaque white hue that is similar to grapefruit juice. Smelling strongly of rich sweet apples and some gentle honey. Tastes of fresh fermented apples, moderately sweet slightly dry finishing with some nice additional honey sweetness and gentle tartness. Mouhfeel is made slightly creamy by the honey but the body is very light making this hazy beverage very easy to drink any time and with a 6.5% ABV you can. Unquestionably a tasty beverage and one I have enjoyed every time I have had the opportunity to sample it. A welcome addition to the Crispin family and an innovative yet simply delicious take on cider that any fan will likely appreciate. Give it a shot and ride your bike.
October 3rd, 2009 at 8:28 am
I stumbled on this site when looking for recipes for making cider. Beer is great but as I’ve gotten older, the heady days of ‘discovering’ new flavors has become a routine, a shtick if you will. I appreciated your blog and found the reading to be thoughtful. Back to cider.
Not sure if you’ve ever had the chance to sample the Samuel Smith organic cider. Man, the flavor of that is to me, the very definition of a good cider. Perhaps the Crispin product is just too delicate for my jaded palate. The Samuel Smith organic has a flavor that takes me back to a good imported Normandy table cider -and blows the various American ciders right off the table. I’ve tried many a domestic cider but I’m still waiting for the days that a good American cider is made. And gets this once traditional brew back to where it rightfully belongs.
October 4th, 2009 at 4:47 pm
Glad to see you stumbled by. I too wish other fermented beverages and other products were more prevalent in the states. Luckily we have a wonderful brewing tradition that has grown wonderfully in the past decade or two, which I sincerely appreciate. I have not tried Samuel Smith’s Organic Cider but I will certainly look out for it now. I really enjoy cider but as you say locally we have few decent options. Soon I intend to experiment with a bit of cider fermentation, I figure it will be a good opportunity to learn a number of things. Or if someone feels like it I would happily accept some tickets overseas 😉 Cheers!