Avery Sixteen
This brew has been sitting in my fridge for many months and I figured it was high time I got around to consuming it. Every year the crafty brewers at Avery brew a single batch beer to commemorate their anniversary, this year it is a Saison that is brewed with jasmine flowers, peaches, honey and some pale malted wheat. Pours an incredibly pale golden straw hue that is about as translucent as possible. About two fingers of crisp white head are produced and fade very quickly leaving only a small ring around the surface of the brew. Smells strongly of sweet malt with a crisp tart hint that emphasizes the distinct Belgian yeast used in this brew. Many herbal and spice notes, light fruits, particularly peach and a bit of wheat is present as well. A rich and very appropriate aroma for the style. Flavor is very interesting; peach is very forward and nicely balances the malt sweetness with gentle tartness. Flavor is quite a bit less herbal than the aroma but plenty of yeasty flavors are still pleasant and very enjoyable. The 7.69% ABV is a bit heavier than some brews of the style but works perfectly with the flavors present and is not dominate at all. Mouthfeel is plenty carbonated but enjoyably dry yet smooth and slightly creamy, particularly with the light body. A solid take on a Saison that shows what sixteen years of experience can produce. If you enjoy quality Belgian styled ales you will likely dig this brew. If you can still find a bottle. Give it a shot and ride your bike.
September 1st, 2009 at 8:02 am
Had this on tap at the Falling Rock in Denver on Memorial Day. I agree, what a great brew!
September 1st, 2009 at 8:57 am
Glad to hear you enjoyed it as well. I just can’t believe it took me so long to open. More absurd yet is the fact that I still have a bottle of their Fifteen (a sour ale) in my fridge I need to consume. Guess I should get on that soon. Cheers!